Web Services Banner

Integration Time!
If you are ready to integrate your business into a 3rd party system, we can get you consuming those services very quickly. Some of our more popular requests include eBay®, Craigslist®, Facebook® and Twitter®.

Expose Yourself
If you have meaningful need to publish subscriber-model services, we can help you baseline your web service infratstructure and adjust your systems for the expected demand. We can also help you tighten your security and tune your workflows so that dispatch will be a breeze. Whether you are seeking to expose your services as one of the standard SOAP models, or one of the neo-SOA service technologies (we're looking at you WCF!), we can get it done.

We've been building web services since they debuted in the 90's. We've built SOAP-based web services using J2EE and Microsoft's .NET Framework. If you are looking to build cost-effective web services, these two technologies will get you on the ground and sprinting quickly.

Other Services
We offer a wide array of technology services and we encourage you to discover how else we can be of service to you. Feel free to explore our other service areas for more information.

We're always here to help, go here to contact us.
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